The Abbeydale Sports Club Code of Conduct is designed to ensure a safe, responsible and enjoyable atmosphere on and around the Abbeydale facilities, taking into consideration our reputation within the community and the wider area. It is designed with the aims and objectives of Abbeydale Sports Club and the sports sections in mind.

1. All players, coaches and staff, clubhouse staff, family members and visitors are expected to comply with the law – violence, abuse or any other illegal behaviour will not be tolerated. Both the Clubhouse and Sports Sections have the authority to take sanctions against members including suspension or termination of membership if the situation warrants.

2. Everyone is expected to respect both the staff and the site. This means treating people, equipment, furniture and everything else with respect and care. The clubhouse and the sports sections will hold members responsible for any damage they or their guests cause. In particular the Clubhouse bar is not accessible to players in dirty or wet sports kit or dirty footwear. Members should shower and change or completely cover sports clothing. Sports bags should not be brought into the bar area.  Clean footwear must be worn when inside all areas of the clubhouse.

 3. The Clubhouse is a business and needs to succeed in order to continue to maintain and support the sports sections and their members – to this end it is important to support the Clubhouse and players and their guests should not bring food and drink bought from off the premises onto the site.

4. The Clubhouse is a working area and as such health and safety of both staff and members is of the utmost importance. Clubhouse management are to be listened to and respected as they carry out their responsibilities and all members should endeavour to support them in this. This includes keeping out of ‘staff only’ areas, the controlling and monitoring of the behaviour of children and young people by their responsible adults and reporting health and safety issues if and when discovered.